Vraiment, impossible de savoir ce que les gens ont en tête. "As-tu un chien?"
C'est l'étrange et intriguante question que mon nouveau voisin est venu me poser.
Étant d'un naturel curieux, j'ai brodé sur ses raisons :
a) Le hall d'entré commun sent le pipi depuis que j'ai améngé. (Ce jour-là, j'ai surpris le chat de la voisine en train d'entrer à l'intérieur. C'est certain que le minet, pas opéré, y a fait ses marques. Le pipi de chat, ça sent fort et longtemps, même le jus de tomate n'y fait rien.) Donc, le voisin a associé l'odeur persistante avec le moment de mon arrivée, et, ayant parfaitement remarqué que je ne sors pas faire pisser un chien, en a déduit que mon chien pisse dans le hall. Dégoûté, il m'a demandé: "As-tu un chien?"
b) Mon plancher couïne si fort (c'est l'enfer), que lorsque je marche dans mon corridor, c'est comme si j'avais un de ces petits chiens fatiguants qui vous gosse en aboyant : "Wiwiwi! Wiwiwi!". Donc, quand après être restée tranquille dans le silence pendant des heures à composer des textes, je me rends, terriblement tard, jusqu'à mon lit : "Wiwiwi! Wiwiwi!"... (j'ai beau être légère, y'a rien à faire) "Wiwiwi!", le voisin émet pour conclusion que s'il me voit partir tous les matins, mais qu'il entend Wiwiwi la nuit, c'est que je dois avoir un chien. Il est donc venu chez moi me demander : "As-tu un chien?" en oubliant qu'il aurait été plus clair de dire "J'entends du bruit la nuit."
c) Le voisin me trouve jolie. Ça fait des semaines qu'il rêve de me parler. Il avait préparé quelque chose d'intelligent à me dire, mais quand j'ai ouvert la porte, super-occupée à parler au téléphone (c'était juste ma mère, elle comprend, mais le voisin, lui, il le savait pas), ça l'a surpris, mis mal-à-l'aise, et il a perdu ses jolis mots. Il m'a donc lancé le premier truc qui lui a passé par la tête : "As-tu un chien?"
d) Mon ex, propriétaire d'un énorme chien dont il a la garde partagée une semaine sur deux avec son ex-ex (l'autre fille avant moi quoi), quoiqu'il prétende être mon ex et ne plus s'intéresser à moi le moindre du monde, n'a pu s'empêcher de venir fouiner chez nous parce que je ne lui ai pas assez montré de photos de mon nouveaux chez nous. Évidement, un grand danois, ça ne passe pas inapperçu, pas plus qu'un ex-petit-ami social à la grande gueule qui a raconté, Dieu seul sait quoi à mon voisin, ce qui l'a convaincu que j'avais un chien. Parce que je parlais fort au téléphone, il savait que j'étais là, et en a profité pour faire un saut chez moi pour vérifier les dires de mon ex. Se renseignant, il m'a lancé : "As-tu un chien?".
e) Platement, l'un des voisin du cartier a perdu son chien, un p'tit pitou est venu se réfugier chez mon voisin qui l'a nourri, pris en affection, et après avoir réalisé oh combien un animal si sympathique devait manquer à son maître, s'est mis en devoir de se mettre à la recherche du dit propriétaire:"As-tu un chien?", s'est-il enqueri.
f) Le voisin, après que je fus allée visiter mes parents, qui ont la garde permanente de mon pauvre petit minet adoré, m'a apperçu rentrer chez moi les vêtements plein de poils. Il s'est tout simplement dit : "Elle doit avoir un animal, peut-être un chien..." Et comme mon voisin est quelqu'un de strict et respectueux, et que le réglement de l'immeuble stipule que les animaux sont InTerDit, il est venu vérifier si s'enffreingnait le réglement. "As-tu un chien?!?", s'est-il renseigné avec suspiscion.
g) Un autre des locataires s'est acheté un chien, et ce, malgré le règlement de l'immeuble. Mon voisin se fout complètement du règlement, MAIS, il a eu le malheur de mettre les pieds dans une crotte. Puis, faisant tout à coup attention où il mettait les pieds, il en a vue une deuxième, et merde!, puis une troisième, Oh shit! À la quatrième, c'en était fait, il était en Tabarnak : "Non mais, pour qui il se prend celui qui laisse trainer les Osties-de-Crisse-de-Crottes de son chien? M'en vas lui dire ma façon de penser." Donc, il s'est mis en quête de trouver le coupable, le QUI a OSÉ laisser des crottes de chien sur le terrain, et il a discrètement cogné à ma porte, retenant sa colère, il a prononcé du bout des lèvres: "As-tu un chien?"
C'est comme de jouer à Clue : Humm... je pense que c'est Starlette avec le chandellier dans le salon. Aaah... non, plutôt le Colonnel Moutarde avec la corde dans la cuisine, à moins que ce soit la femme de ménage avec le couteau dans la salle de billard? Mouais, c'est sûrement ça la meilleure hypothèse!
lundi 19 août 2013
mercredi 2 janvier 2013
To look like or to be
Why I didn't beleive you?
You promised me things you don't even dreamt of
Maybe you thought that
This is what I want, so you just tried to make it true
You imagined a perfect world
A perfect girl who doesn't exist in a life not for you nor than me
And then, when things began
To get a little serious between us you were afraid of your own false dreams
And you ran away like a tief
Like a lier, like a coward, like a man that can't bear to be engaged
But, do you know what?
I didn't beleive you a second. I know you more than you think
I'm not that little innocent pretty girl
Because I grew up in a richer familly and I have a higher education then you
I don't even dream of your perfect
Little silly fictive world : in a beautiful castle near the beach
You didn't even think it's worthwhile
To ask me what I want the most. It's like you didn't even care
You know what? I know it isn't that
I know why you did that, the reason why you treated me as a bitch
Maybe you dream of love
Of a home, a place to be yourself, like the rest of us
Maybe you were told
A perfect life would be this silly perfect smiling family
An American Dream, a quiet hapiness
A pretty house, beautiful children, everyone smiling from sunrise to down
You know what, at night they cry
We all know that this doesn't exist. Not even a single day!
Maybe you tought you can act it
Do as if you're that man, the one that fit in that silly dream
I didn't beleive you
Not even a second. I loved you because you're not that perfect man!
Maybe you want to repair
That life you tried to have with that woman who stole your boy!
Maybe you imagined you can
Build this home you never had when you were young.
Don't be a fool! This doesn't exist
There is just us, little people with our own big problems
We can go mad in any situation
We aren't allowed to be ourselves : Me, you, all of us
Why did you try to beleive in that?
That you can be a man that you're not? Please, try to love yourself first
Yes, as you are, as you're born to be
Accept also that I'm not and will never be someone else than me!
I'm not the devil nor than an angel
I'm not innocent nor than omniscient. I'm just me as you are just you
I didn't beleive you because
You didn't even beleive in what you said but, you know what?
I still beleive in you
This doesn't mean we should be together, forever, that silly dream!
This just mean that whatever
You try to look like, I'm not blind. The one I love Is your true you
I know you look like a man
Who do not care about my words but, you know what? I know you care.
You promised me things you don't even dreamt of
Maybe you thought that
This is what I want, so you just tried to make it true
You imagined a perfect world
A perfect girl who doesn't exist in a life not for you nor than me
And then, when things began
To get a little serious between us you were afraid of your own false dreams
And you ran away like a tief
Like a lier, like a coward, like a man that can't bear to be engaged
But, do you know what?
I didn't beleive you a second. I know you more than you think
I'm not that little innocent pretty girl
Because I grew up in a richer familly and I have a higher education then you
I don't even dream of your perfect
Little silly fictive world : in a beautiful castle near the beach
You didn't even think it's worthwhile
To ask me what I want the most. It's like you didn't even care
You know what? I know it isn't that
I know why you did that, the reason why you treated me as a bitch
Maybe you dream of love
Of a home, a place to be yourself, like the rest of us
Maybe you were told
A perfect life would be this silly perfect smiling family
An American Dream, a quiet hapiness
A pretty house, beautiful children, everyone smiling from sunrise to down
You know what, at night they cry
We all know that this doesn't exist. Not even a single day!
Maybe you tought you can act it
Do as if you're that man, the one that fit in that silly dream
I didn't beleive you
Not even a second. I loved you because you're not that perfect man!
Maybe you want to repair
That life you tried to have with that woman who stole your boy!
Maybe you imagined you can
Build this home you never had when you were young.
Don't be a fool! This doesn't exist
There is just us, little people with our own big problems
We can go mad in any situation
We aren't allowed to be ourselves : Me, you, all of us
Why did you try to beleive in that?
That you can be a man that you're not? Please, try to love yourself first
Yes, as you are, as you're born to be
Accept also that I'm not and will never be someone else than me!
I'm not the devil nor than an angel
I'm not innocent nor than omniscient. I'm just me as you are just you
I didn't beleive you because
You didn't even beleive in what you said but, you know what?
I still beleive in you
This doesn't mean we should be together, forever, that silly dream!
This just mean that whatever
You try to look like, I'm not blind. The one I love Is your true you
I know you look like a man
Who do not care about my words but, you know what? I know you care.
Destiny against Reality
Reality isn't easy. Reality isn't human
Reality has no mercy. But don't forget!
If you dare to try to make your dreams real
They'll come true, one day or another.
In a way or another, life isn't easy
There is always a duty waiting for us
And now how can we feel free to live?
The solution is to be ourselves.
Don't forget, there is always someone
Who try to help you to see the truth
A truth that isn't yours. Follow you heart.
Do what the whisper in your mind says.
Don't think you're a fool or that you're mad
You're unique, the way you live doesn't matter
It makes no difference except on your hapiness
Don't let the chance soar away, grab it!
The only good way to live is your own way
The one you can't avoid, the one that haunt you
This doesn't mean your way is going to be easy
Because reality has no mercy, reality isn't human
But, don't give up, try agin, do it again
Your way will have no end if you dare to do it
You'll find your heart filled with the energy to go on
The one coming from inside of you will flow
Reality isn't easy. Reality isn't human
Reality has no mercy. But don't forget!
If you dare to try to make your dreams real
They'll come true, one day or another.
Reality has no mercy. But don't forget!
If you dare to try to make your dreams real
They'll come true, one day or another.
In a way or another, life isn't easy
There is always a duty waiting for us
And now how can we feel free to live?
The solution is to be ourselves.
Don't forget, there is always someone
Who try to help you to see the truth
A truth that isn't yours. Follow you heart.
Do what the whisper in your mind says.
Don't think you're a fool or that you're mad
You're unique, the way you live doesn't matter
It makes no difference except on your hapiness
Don't let the chance soar away, grab it!
The only good way to live is your own way
The one you can't avoid, the one that haunt you
This doesn't mean your way is going to be easy
Because reality has no mercy, reality isn't human
But, don't give up, try agin, do it again
Your way will have no end if you dare to do it
You'll find your heart filled with the energy to go on
The one coming from inside of you will flow
Reality isn't easy. Reality isn't human
Reality has no mercy. But don't forget!
If you dare to try to make your dreams real
They'll come true, one day or another.
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