mardi 30 octobre 2012


When life learned you to be strong
When you reached your deepest darks
When you are so alone that, in fact
It doesn't matter anymore, you're lost
Somewhere in your own mind.
You continue to struggle to live
That daily routine that doesn't make sense
There is no other way then to be strong
Again and again, to try to cope with
That abhorrent lonlyness of yours
Again and again, to try to defeat
That desperate destiny that lead
Nowhere you want to be
Your own insignifiance overwhelm you
There is nothing else to do
Except to be strong again and again
To try to give the best of you
This last part of you, this conscience
That, at least, never leave you in peace
And remind you that you are still alive
That what you feel exist, and a whisper
Deep and secretly in your heart
That you're your own savior
Everything wigh upon your shoulders
No one can help you better than yourself
How to face this reality? No, no, no...
I don't want to deal with that
I don't want to believe it's true
How can I leave hope and trust?
But, to trust in myself? But, to trust in others...
But, to ditch all the why I'll never know
Time will alleviate my sorrow
But, today, I don't want to hear it
I want to take long, to hang around
To be weak, to cry, to let it goes.

jeudi 25 octobre 2012


Don't play with me, don't push too far
Try to fuck me, pull me out
You have to chose, with or without
You can't have all, impossible

You throw me out, you decided
No future, can't bear me more
Why do you play with my heart?
Fucking slut! I love you

Don't you see that you hurt me
My heart bleed, I try not to cry
You beat around, I fall in love
You never charmed as you do

You flirt better then before
You smile, you touch, don't play with me
What you search : my respect lost
I can't accept what you do

All I have is self-respect
I love myself more than you
You'll reach the hardest colds
Privileges, try to win them

With or without, not in between
If you love me, out of my way
I deserve better than that
Baby, I'm not angry but hurted

You have to chose, you can't have all
I know it, I feel it
I make you feel so love
You can't hide it, chose your heart

samedi 20 octobre 2012


I would like to say... all what is stuck
Deep inside of me like a rejected part
The shaded part, what others force me
To left behind, to hide and leave

How this drives me Insaine
How this distorts who I am

A long way to live searching my refugees
Trying to bring them back, let them exist
I found them with bleeding eyes
Oppressed minds, feared to the heart

I would like to care... to protect and love
To share what they are, to show this to all
That fucking society we live in, makes us
Like automates with forbiden stories

Day to day living as a dead drill
Where no emotion is enabled to be
A repetitive industry that never let you
Sleep, rest or smile, a non-stopping night

How this drives me Insaine
How this distorts... Who am I?

But is there anyone who want to hear?
I'm so alone, my life is empty
Like a black hole that suck everything
And never give back, anything is lost

The only bit of hope that remains open
Is that beating heart who remind me
I am still alive, sun still raise
Each morning is a new day

My eyes met yours, they are so mysterious
I wonder if... who are their refugees?
Can we be together Phoenix refugees
Broken then reborned once again

How this drive me Insaine
How this distorts who you are

Don't be so shy, don't rest too silent
Tell me all, I still wait to meet you
To finally reach you who are
This soul of you that I love

Please, just tell me what is inside
Let it goes, free yourself
Come with me, let the world
Open to us as two free souls

Ready to discover how we can
Stronger together, build a society
Where all refugees will be respected
Will deserve to be there, here, alive

How this drives me Insaine
How this distort... Who are you?

mardi 16 octobre 2012

Le silence

Les mots d'entre-nous
Restent une page blanche
Un hiver désert : univers
Froid, grand, vide, seul

Les étoiles brillent
Le soleil course, mais
Le temps file, mille miles
Et nous sommes Montagnes

Élan vers l'avant
Pas en arrière
Geste de travers
J'entre sous terre

Comme seules les cavernes
Pleines de secrets regrets
Ne voient pas le jour
Nous restons deux, seuls

À distance, en constance
À vue, fiers, jaugeants
Le coeur en creux
Là où l'eau tombe

Désir et misère se buttent
Aux cols érigés
En guise de limites
Aux territoires de nos âmes

Larmes de feu, brûlure
Lame de glace, coupure
Âme défiante, ceinture
À la gorge, m'étrangle

Élan vers l'avant
Pas en arrière
Geste de travers
J'entre sous terre

Crois-tu que les torrents
Nés de nos souterrains
Puissent se rejoindre
Dans la valéee d'entre-nous?

Ou le courrant sera-t-il
Si fort et si puissant
Qu'il emportera tout
Même nos coeurs?
Je suis en paix
J'ai trouvé en moi
Le sens des silences
Et leur importance
Deux regards
L'un dans l'autre
Et l'absence
Ce vide de mots
Yeux baisés
Regard fuyant
Mains occupées
Oreilles attentives
Un mot dur, vif
Rapide comme l'éclair
Fend le silence
Et tranche
Un deuxième, fin
Attente, enfermés
Chacun pour soi
Comme des forteresses
Dont la clef est faite
De silences
Et peut-être de temps